Club de Tennis Ile des Soeurs’ Academy is one of the most renowned training centers in Canada. The Academy is directed and led by highly qualified and experienced coaches and brings together passionate young athletes who dream of becoming the next Canadian, and International tennis stars. This long development process aims not only to create high-level athletes, but mostly to develop autonomous, responsible, committed and disciplined young adults. All our programs are based on Tennis Canada's athlete development plan. Admission by selection only.
The Futures Stars 1 group is made up of athletes aged 6-7 years old, who stand out for their motor skills, competitive spirit and tennis skills. The kids have to also show a great interest for playing and moving. The group trains twice a week for a total of 3 hours.
For more information, please contact Yvon Cordier at
The Futures-Stars 2 group is made up of athletes aged 7-8 years old, who stand out for their technical and tactical skills. These tennis skills will be further developed. Players have to show interest in tennis and have fun playing. The group trains twice a week and participates in the Sunday league, for a total of 4.5 hours of supervised tennis per week.
For more information, please contact Yvon Cordier at
The athletes in the Espoir group have already played a few tournaments. The athletes usually excel in tennis and in many other sports thanks to their physical skills. They are self-motivated and love playing. The group trains twice a week and participates in the Sunday league, for a total of 4.5 hours of supervised tennis per week.
For more information, please contact Yvon Cordier at
The athletes in the Relève group take part in about ten tournaments per year. The athletes show a real passion for tennis. The group trains twice a week and participates in the Sunday league, for a total of 5.5 hours of supervised tennis per week. The kids also play more and more with their parents and/or friends outside of the program's time slots.
For the young athletes, tennis is now a passion and a commitment. The Development group is a preparation for the Sports study program. Athletes now participate in a dozen tournaments per year. The group trains 3 times a week and attends the Sunday league, for a total of 7.5 hours of supervised tennis per week. The kids perfect their game by taking private lessons and playing with family members and friends outside of program hours.
For more information, please contact Vincent Arcaya at
Les athlètes du groupe Sport-études sont obligatoirement dans l’une des écoles secondaires reconnues par le Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Le tennis fait partie intégrante de leur mode de vie. Les athlètes s’entrainent au Club 5 jours par semaine en plus de participer à une douzaine de tournois par année. Ceux-ci passent au travers de la période de développement la plus importante de l’être humain : l’adolescence. Nous les accompagnons de près afin qu’ils s’épanouissent et rayonnent à tous les niveaux en tant que jeunes adultes, en développant des qualités telles que la persévérance, la résilience, le respect, la saine compétition, le goût du dépassement de soi, etc.
Pour les athlètes de secondaire 3-4-5 ayant un profil international, nous offrons le programme T.E.A.M. (Tennis-Études Avant-Midi) afin d’accroitre le nombre d’heures d’entraînement. Ces athlètes étudient à distance : entraînement et études le matin en plus de participer aux entrainements de l’après-midi. Ce programme offre une grande flexibilité aux athlètes afin de leurs permettre de voyager et de faire des tournées de tournois ITF.
For more information, please contact Alain Fosse at